SecureCRT SecureCRT

VanDyke SecureCRT 9.0 終端機模擬工具

VanDyke SecureCRT 9.0是終端機模擬工具,一款支援SSH(SSH1和SSH2)的終端擬真程式,同時支援rlogin和Telnet協定。SecureCRT是一款用於連接運行包括Windows、VMS和UNIX的遠端系統的理想工具。

分類: 檔案傳輸協議


適用於WindowsMacLinuxSecureCRT客戶端為專業計算人員提供堅如磐石的終端擬真程序,通過進階會話管理提高工作效率,以及各種節省時間與簡化重複任務的方法。 SecureCRT提供安全的遠端存取,文件傳輸和數據隧道。

無論您要取代TelnetTerminal,或是需要一個功能更強大的安全遠端存取工具,SecureCRT都是您可以應付整天工作的應用程序。 憑藉SSH的強大安全性,廣泛的對話管理和高級腳本編輯,SecureCRT將幫助您提高生產力至第n級。


預先定義的配色方案(包括Solarized)可以輕鬆改變終端工作區的外觀。 從各種背景,前景和ANSI顏色的淺色和深色色彩組合中進行選擇。


標籤組允許您在同一個SecureCRT窗口中比較兩個會話和組相關會話的輸出,以便在更短的時間內完成更多工作。 您可以在選項卡中管理會話並輕鬆切換。 或者,您可以在一個標籤中工作,同時監視另一個標籤中命令的輸出,然後在命令完成時返回到單個標籤。


選擇包括XtermLinux控制台在內的各種終端仿真,如TN3270VT100VT102VT220ANSISCO ANSIWyse 50/60,這些所有終端擬真都具有配色方案,並且大多數支援ANSI顏色。


將按鈕繪製到命令或操作,例如發送字串、運行腳本、選項功能和協議命令,或啟動外部程序(如您最喜愛的編輯器,cmd.exeregedit)。 您可以為特定的會話或操作產生不同的按鈕欄,並為按鈕圖標分配顏色,以便於查看和管理。




SecureCRT將堅如磐石的終端擬真與強大加密、數據完整性和身份驗證選項的Secure Shell協議結合。SecureCRT為員工提供安全的遠端訪問、文件傳輸和數據隧道。

  • 為傳輸中的數據提供強大的多協議安全性
  • 輕鬆設置和配置
  • 自動化支援監控和事件檢視器 

New in SecureCRT 9.0

WWinMMac LLinux


New built-in ANSI color schemes, including Solarized, make it easy to change the look of your terminal workspace. Choose from a variety of light and dark color combinations, all of which have coordinated background, foreground, and ANSI color combinations.


When the SecureCRT window is resized, the text in the terminal area is rewrapped.

連接欄自動完成W M L

Connect bar auto complete begins filtering as you type, making it easier to find and connect to saved sessions.

貼上確認對話框 W M L

A paste confirmation dialog option allows you to preview the contents of the paste buffer before pasting multiple lines of text into a session. This helps prevent accidental pasting of buffer contents into a production or other critical server.

拖放多個會話W M L

Multiple sessions can be dragged and dropped or copied and pasted in the Session Manager and Connect dialog.


Filtered searches in the Session Manager and Connect bar are faster, which is helpful when the session database is large or located on a network drive.

較大近期會議列表W M L

Up to 16 sessions can now be included on the recent session list.

加密增強W M L

Support has been added for the SSH2 ChaCha20/Poly1305 and AES-GCM ciphers and the UMAC-128 MAC algorithm. OpenSSH certificates can now be used for authenticating SSH2 sessions.

腳本增強W M L

Scripting enhancements include the ability to script session locking from the Session object. A global INI-file-only option to specify the script path has also been added.

其他增強功能W M L

If a session cannot be cloned or connected using SFTP on the existing SSH transport, SecureCRT will create a new transport. The "Update Now" menu item is now also available for the Mac, which checks for a newer version of SecureCRT. New to the Mac and now on all platforms, arguments can be passed to a local application that is launched when a tunnel is established.


SecureCRT® for Windows
SecureFX® for Windows
VanDyke ClientPack for Windows
Windows® Server 2016 
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows 8
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later

SecureCRT for macOS
SecureFX for macOS
macOS® 10.12
OS X® 10.11

SecureCRT for Linux
SecureFX for Linux
Ubuntu 16.x
Ubuntu 15.x
Ubuntu 14.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 x64

VanDyke ClientPack for UNIX
Ubuntu 16.x
Ubuntu 15.x
Ubuntu 14.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 x64
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11
Solaris 11
FreeBSD 10.0
macOS 10.12
OS X 10.11

SecureCRT® for Windows

SecureFX® for Windows
VanDyke ClientPack for Windows
Windows® Server 2016 
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows 8
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later

SecureCRT for macOS
SecureFX for macOS
macOS® 10.12
OS X® 10.11

SecureCRT for Linux
SecureFX for Linux
Ubuntu 16.x
Ubuntu 15.x
Ubuntu 14.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 x64

VanDyke ClientPack for UNIX
Ubuntu 16.x
Ubuntu 15.x
Ubuntu 14.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 x64
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11
Solaris 11
FreeBSD 10.0
macOS 10.12
OS X 10.11